G diminished again. This time, we’re trying to use open strings.
Four notes are open strings; four notes aren’t.
You could group the four open strings as a G6 chord; the remaining notes as Db6
Or E-7 and Bb-7
Notice the Tritone relationships between the chords.
Mix them up.
Notice those possible semitone clashes:
- open D and fretted C#
- E and F
- B and Bb
- G and Ab
Can you create some chords using these ideas?
Can you use the semitone thing and invent a little lick that describes the sound of a 13b9 chord?
Can you find something using those ideas and share it here?
Over to you..
tis for you to decide, good fella :)
So i guess all these chords are produced from the g diminished half-step and I improvise using these 8 notes linearly up and down the fretboard…using the chords to create a sense of tonality? http://youtu.be/EHlemPn__yM