So the idea is to give yourself different ways to learn something.
You may find if you try to, for example, demonstrate something you don’t understand, or don’t think you understand, then you may well find yourself getting a different perception of it from explaining it to someone.
Even if you understand something, you may get a new angle on it from trying something different with it.
You may even change your idea of what ‘understanding’ is.
Case in point is this here post.
Just writing down these thoughts is sparking many other thoughts for me right now.
Imagine what would happen if someone else added their thoughts below…
McKinney Colour Method – think I might trademark that!
In my experience, different people have different primary sub modalities, and /or a combination of them.
So, relating to music, some folks will definitely find it easier to process information while focusing on the auditive aspect, while others will definitely do better with visual cues- like Andrew above.
Yet to other, quavers are the equivalent to match sticks.
In my case, what works best is a quick mental visual cue- a chord triangular shape for example- WITHOUT a lot of other verbiage or reasoning; the moment a lot of additional static enters the picture, things are likely to get blurry for me, i.e. bum note?
Hey, that’s a great idea!
I find myself learning things much quicker when they’re laid out in chunks. Like 8 bar phrases on one line. Think if you had stuff that was the same labled by colour then that’d speed it up again. If ever I’m in rehearsal and it’s – ‘after the G7, go to the coda, and then repeat to the 2nd time bar, voice this chord C E Bb’ etc, my brain just melts. I much prefer hearing something or seeing a nicely laid out structure. Soon as you start *talking* about music, my little brain can’t compute.
There’s a book called Harmony with Lego Bricks which is a companion to this little fake book that’s laid out in a grid. Makes it easy to look at, but it probably needs the Mckinney Colour Method to take it to the next level!
How about – think about what it looks like visually?
Thinking about the structure of something (a song, a phrase etc), what would it look like if it was made out of say, different coloured lego bricks?!