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Here’s what’s waiting for you:
- COURSES – Instant access to 30 in-depth Premium video Courses on topics such as creating a practice routine, ear training, playing better solos, how to learn tunes, solo analysis, triads, harmony, phrasing & articulation, melodic minor modes, solo guitar, chord tone improvisation, rhythm changes, sight-reading, and more.
- 1-2-1 PRIVATE COACHING – There’s a space in the forum for private coaching with me. To book a private lesson with me is $100 per hour, or you can move to London and enrol at The Royal Academy for 10k/yr! – Electric Campfire gives you a totally affordable way to get personalised feedback and advice at a fraction of the cost.
- GUEST EXPERTS – Check out our library of lessons from guest experts such as Phil Robson, Chris Montague, John Wheatcroft and more! Amazing lessons here.
- CHALLENGES – We do group challenges where we tackle something together. Sometimes we do monthly transcription challenges – we’ll all transcribe, say, a chorus of a solo and discuss it. It’s a powerful way to learn alongside other people.
- COMMUNITY – You’ll get to share ideas, get feedback, and contribute to a great community of musicians from all over the globe.
- FOCUS & FEEDBACK – You’ll get regular lessons to keep you focused and save you time wondering what to do. There’s an emphasis on ‘How to Practise’ – I’ll show you how to practise to avoid wasting your time. I run regular feedback session where you can submit a recording and I’ll give you feedback and ideas to help you take your playing to the next level.
- ASK MIKE – You can ask me anything, and I’ll make you some kind of explanation – sometimes that’ll be an entire video lesson, or it might be a challenge, some back and forth in the comments or the forum. You’ve got my help.
I’ve been using all of the material at ElectricCampfire.com teaching students at Trinity College of Music, The Royal Academy of Music, and The Guildhall School of Music and Drama over the past 20 years. And I’ve taught for Jamey Aebersold, Tech Music School, BIMM, Live Music Now, The Purcell School, London College of Music, Middlesex University, The Royal Northern College of Music, The Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama and many other UK conservatoires.
You’ll get material and advice that works.